Speculative Fiction

Title Genre Word count Status

Missy is an unwitting member of a coven; Ambrose is a slayer in training.

After a strange encounter with a monster, they must work together to reveal the truth of their hometown while hiding their most vulnerable secrets from each other.

But also, they’ve convinced themselves that dealing with literal and figurative demons involves fake dating.

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Adult Paranormal 7700 uploaded Unfinished as of Feb 2023

An AI living in a spaceship's computer

Full text
Science fiction 2500 Finished as of Oct 2019

"Realistic" Fiction

Title Genre Word count Status

In a dying town, a girl tries to find a way to escape only to lose more than she thought she could

not yet uploaded
fiction 1500 Finished as of July 2017

A retelling of a fairy tale

Full text
fiction 500 Finished as of Aug 2017


Title Word count Status
In Service to the Story 200 Finished as of Nov 2017